Welcome to Meckley Brooms
Discover the artistry of handmade corn brooms at Meckley Brooms. With a rich family tradition spanning over 100 years, we take pride in crafting brooms that are both functional and beautiful. From traditional designs to modern twists, our brooms are made with care and attention to detail. Explore our collection and find the perfect broom for your home. Don't miss out on our limited edition brooms and special shipping deadlines.

Where to Find Us
Facebook @meckleybrooms
Pinterest @meckleybrooms
TikTok @cornycrafter
4851 Rte 487
Lopez PA 18628
Minutes from Ricketts Glen State Park, Sullivan County
Special Winter Hours Just announced thanks to the Eagles Mere Toboggan Slide that is finally open after 11 years of unsafe ice conditions. This long time historical event brings people from all over the country. When you are done experiencing this wonder, stop by the broomshop to witness another long traditional craft.

Meckley Brooms is a family business/hobby dating back over 100 years. Randy Meckley, the current patriarch of the family and 4th generation, decided to learn the craft in his retirement years. He remembers growing up watching his grandfather make brooms, but was too young and uninterested to learn. Determined now to learn, he sought out some local Amish to see if they could show him how to use the inherited 100+ year old equipment. To his surprise, the Amish had more modern methods of making brooms, but the knowledge they gave him was enough to learn the craft and replicated the same brooms his family made in the late 1800's and on the exact same broom machine, ultimately, never missing a generation!
Two years after retirement, Randy expanded his retirement hobby from work brooms to play and display brooms, with the help of his son and grandson. While we still make functioning house brooms, the trend is now decor and fantasy witch and wizard brooms. We attend craftshows, take custom orders, and enjoy brightening a customers day when the broom finds them! Sports teams can also be seen riding Meckley Brooms.
We have developed our own fractal art besom. We call it the "Lightning Besom". Each broom handle goes through an electrifying process and the results are shocking. There are no two Lightning Besom that are the same. Lightning is like a finger print, each strike is different, and that is what we produce!
In addition to the broom craftsmen of the family, we also have the Ladies of the family who are in charge of creativity, broom making, promoting, quality control, sales, oh and keeping the boys under control!
All of our products are handcrafted by the Meckleys and sometimes several of us are involved in the process of making a single broom. Our products are made for work so you can be assured that your are buying a well made broom, no matter how you choose to use it or display it.
Disclaimer: Our brooms do not fly!
Returns are accepted within 7 days of receipt of items, however return shipping cost is the responsibility of the buyer.